Learn how to set up different employees on specific pay periods in Payroller

Learn how to set up different employees on specific pay periods in Payroller with our simple guide below.

If you have employees who are paid in separate pay periods, you can set this up in Payroller.

This guide will assist you in indicating different employees in different pay periods. If you wish to change the pay period for future pay runs or on a single pay run, please follow the links provided.

If an employee’s pay period is different to the pay period of the pay run they will not appear when the pay run is created.

Firstly, you need to choose what pay period your employee belongs in.

Step 1: To do this, go to โ€˜Peopleโ€™.

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Step 2: Select the settings wheel on your employee card.

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Step 3: Go to the โ€˜Employmentโ€™ section.

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Step 4: Under Pay Period, select which pay period the employee belongs to. You have the choice between All, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, or Quarterly.

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Step 5: โ€˜Saveโ€™ and โ€˜Closeโ€™ those changes.

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Repeat for more employees if needed.

Step 6: Return to โ€˜Payroll & STPโ€™.

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Step 7: Click on ‘+New Pay Run’.

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Step 8: Select the relevant pay run period.

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Your employee will show in this pay run period.

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Proceed with the pay run as normal.

Employees outside of the pay period

If you choose a different pay period to your employees’ pay period your employee will be hidden.

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In this example, as Keira is set in a Weekly pay run period she will not appear on this Quarterly pay run period.

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Learn more about our useful features and functions in Payroller with our other handy guides:

Setting up 2FA on a new mobile phone device

Make an online tax file number (TFN) declaration

Finalise reporting for the financial year

Make quarterly pay runs

Set employees up on different pay periods

Approve leave requests made by employees in the Payroller Employee mobile app

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Learn more about useful features and functions in Payroller with our simple user guides.

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