Learn how to add an employee on the Timesheets and Rosters Mobile App
Learn how to add an employee on the Timesheets and Rosters Mobile App by following the simple steps below.
Step 1: Click on ‘Add employee’ or the add employee icon

Step 2: Enter the employee details, such as first name, last name, email address, and job title. Click ‘Next’.

The email you enter here will send the employee an invitation to fill out their details. These details are important should you decide to submit Single Touch Payroll (STP) to the ATO for your employees.
Step 3: Enter employment details, including the start date, employment type, residency status, and income type. Click ‘Next’.

Step 4: Enter pay details, such as weekly work hours, leave loading, pay rate, and frequency. Click ‘Complete’.

You can add another employee or roster your first shift.

You can also edit or delete an employee in the ‘People’ section under ‘Settings’.
Discover more tutorials for using Payroller
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