What are the differences in pay run status in Payroller
Learn about the differences in pay run status when you use Payroller in our guide below.
In Payroller, the status of your pay run will change according to your actions and confirmations from the ATO.
Summary of the differences in Payroller pay run status
Below are their meanings and what they look like:

A draft pay run will be labeled Draft and have a grey dot.
This means that the pay run is still being edited and yet to be submitted.

A completed pay run will be labeled Done and have a green dot.
This means that the pay run has been completed and submitted, however, it has not yet been sent to the ATO.
To submit this pay run to the ATO, click on it and press Report STP.

A pay run that has just been sent to the ATO will be labeled Pending and have a yellow dot.
This means that it has been sent to the ATO and they are currently receiving the pay run.
Generally, this should only take a matter of minutes, however, if the ATO’s server is slow, it may take longer.
If it has been Pending for a while, it may help to log out and log back in to see if there have been any changes.
During the end of the financial year, there may be some delays due to an increase in businesses attempting to finalise. Please wait for 72 hours for the finalisation/ pay run to be submitted. If it’s still pending after 72 hours, resubmit the pay run. If the issue persists, contact Payroller at hello@payroller.com.au for further assistance.
STP Done

A successfully reported pay run will be labeled STP Done and have a blue dot.
This means that the pay run has been successfully sent to and received by the ATO.
STP Failed

A failed pay run will be labeled as STP Failed and have a red dot.
This means that there was an error while STP was being reported and as a result, STP was not able to be sent.
You can attempt to resubmit this pay run again, however, if your STP failed due to any of the below reasons you may need to contact the ATO to resolve this issue.
Some reasons STP may have failed:
You have not nominated Payroller to the ATO
If you’re an agent, you may have nominated your clients’ software IDs under your practice’s Access Manager. The software ID for each client will need to be registered separately for each individual business and with their own ABN
You may have submitted the wrong software ID. Software IDs are unique to each account. To confirm your software ID check your STP settings section.
Learn how to make changes to pay runs relating to pay rates and extra hours with our other simple guides below:
How to add extra hours for employees in a pay run (ordinary hours or overtime hours)
How to add overtime for employees in a pay run (extra hours worked)
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Learn more about easily creating and editing pay runs with our simple user guides.
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