Timesheets & rostering in Payroller – new feature
Managing who’s working when and how much they get paid has never been this easy. We’ve added timesheets and online rostering to Payroller to help you manage your staff and your payroll. With this feature, you can set a roster and schedule which of your staff members are working when and for how long. After they have finished their work, you can approve their timesheet and push it to your pay run.
Employer Web App
Since the launch of our beta program in May, we’ve added the following to the employer web app:
Copy and pasting shifts
Different states of the roster displayed in the roster view (accepted, published, declined)
Location added to completed shifts (if GPS enabled)
Annual leave displayed in the roster view
Set the date the roster starts (Settings > organisation settings > schedule details > roster details)
Notification bell on the top right of the page that shows accepted and rejected shifts
Employee App
We’ve added the following features to the Payroller employee app:
Clock in and out of shifts
GPS can be enabled to ensure people are on-site and not elsewhere when clocking in
Accept or decline shifts from the app
Add notes to shifts and details about breaks
Edit start time and end time of shift
Roster view
Notifications for employees when shifts are cancelled
Notifications for employees when their timesheet hours are accepted, rejected or changed
Thanks for all of your feature requests and feedback! You can request more updates and features to help us continue to improve Payroller.