Overview of changes in Payroller with STP Phase 2

STP Phase 2 deadline now extended until 30 June 2022 for all Payroller users

We’ve gradually rolled out new features to Payroller on Web and Mobile app.  The STP Phase 2 scheme officially began on 1 January 2022. However, all Payroller users had an extension until 1 July 2022.

Find our summary of the key changes in Payroller with STP Phase 2 below.

What does STP Phase 2 mean for your business?


Your existing reporting and payroll processes stay the same under STP Phase 2.

The following will not change under STP Phase 2:

  • the way you report

  • reporting due dates

  • the types of payments you make

  • tax and super obligations

  • EOFY reporting and finalisation requirements

The only difference is that Payroller will send more information about your employees.

We have most of this information from when you set up your employees and created pay runs.

However since STP Phase 2 includes more information, youโ€™ll be asked to do a one time update for your employees.  This completes the switch over to STP Phase 2 for your business.

What do you need to do to comply with STP 2 requirements in Payroller?


Fortunately, Payroller software makes it easy for you to switch your business payroll to meet STP 2 requirements.

When you log in to your Payroller account, you will see the following pop-up:

STP Phase 2 change pop-up in Payroller  

Simply provide the missing information for your employees to switch to STP Phase 2.

The additional details required by the ATO for STP Phase 2 include:

  • Status of residency (e.g. Australian resident for tax purposes, foreign resident, Working Holiday Maker)

  • Income Type (e.g. Salary and Wages, Closely Held Payee, Seasonal Worker Programme)

  • Whether or not your employees are horticulturalists and shearers

  • Country Code (if they are a Working Holiday Maker)

If you do not know this information, you can click Cancel and fill it out later.

You will be prompted with the STP pop-up every time you log in until you complete it.

If you make a mistake, you can edit these new details in your Employees’ Settings under the Tax section.

Edit employment details in Payroller for STP 2 change


Please note that Payroller will not stop you from using the original version of STP but it is your responsibility to meet your STP reporting obligations.

What happens after switching to STP Phase 2?

The way you create pay runs and report STP stays the same even after you switch to STP Phase 2.

Payroller will automatically convert all your pay runs for this financial year into the new reporting format.

New payment types will also be added to Payroller and can be found when you click on More in a pay run.

Screenshot of the run payroll screen in Payroller

The new payment types in Payroller include:

If you terminate an employee, you will need to report the termination date and reason. These can both be added in a pay run when you make the termination payment.


What are the other changes relating to STP 2?

  • TFN: You are also no longer required to submit a Tax File Number (TFN) declaration as this information will be sent through STP Phase 2.
  • Working Holiday Makers: For businesses that employ Working Holiday Makers, you need to indicate whether you are registered for the scheme. This can be done in Settings under Organisation Settings.  You can also follow our guide.
Screenshot of Organisation settings in Payroller


How do I get access to STP Phase 2 changes in my Payroller account?

If you are using the Payroller mobile app, you will be notified to download the latest version from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

The update will appear automatically for Payroller Web users.  No download is required.

Learn more about STP 2 in Payroller


Discover how to stay up-to-date with ATO requirements with our handy FAQs on STP 2 in Payroller.  Try out Payroller for free today.

Our support team is available to help you with any questions you have about STP 2 changes.
