What is an ABA File?
ABA files are used by Australian banks to identify payments being made from a single bank account to another or multiple accounts.
Generally, employers will pay employees through an ABA file that their payroll software automatically generates.
Once you’ve got your ABA file, all you’ll need to do is upload it to your internet banking portal and authorise the payments.
How do I upload an ABA File to my internet banking provider?
With ABA files you can pay your employees automatically through your internet banking provider.
However, how you do this depends on your banking provider.
All providers have slightly different ways of processing ABA payments.
You can find instructions on how to upload ABA files in our summary of major bank providers in Australia below.
Looking for payroll only? You can use Payroller to run single touch payroll (STP) and download an ABA file easily so that you can pay your employees on time.