Adding JobMaker payments in Payroller – new feature
If you’re claiming JobMaker, you’re required to report the payments both through the ATO and your STP software
We’ve added JobMaker payments to Payroller. Now you can nominate your employees for JobMaker and submit a claim during the JobMaker claim periods.
Unlike JobKeeper, JobMaker nominations and claims are not reported as part of your normal pay runs. Instead, you report them separately using our ‘JobMaker’ function in ‘Run Payroll’.
There are two parts to the JobMaker update: nominating your staff and claiming JobMaker payments for a particular period.
Nominations are done through the ‘Employees’ tab and claims for specific periods are made through the ‘JobMaker Submissions’ tab.
Please ensure your business and employees are eligible for the scheme before you nominate them. Check out the ATO website for more information.
You will also need to register for the JobMaker Scheme with the ATO and report to them quarterly through their online services to receive the payments.
Official ATO source for JobMaker Hiring Credit Scheme
Add JobMaker payments with Payroller
Learn how to add JobMaker payments in Payroller with our handy user guides. Try out Payroller for free today.